Who We Are

Leaders from Participating PBRNs at our “Train the Trainer” workshop in Portland, Oregon.

Leaders from Participating PBRNs at our “Train the Trainer” workshop in Portland, Oregon.

Meta-LARC: a consortium of Practice Based Research Networks

Practice Based Research Networks, or PBRNs, are organized groups of clinicians and practices that support engagement in quality improvement and research to answer community-based questions and improve health.

Seven PBRNs make up the Meta-LARC consortium. All seven are participating in the Meta-LARC ACP trial.

The map below shows the Practice based research networks comprising Meta-LARC.


The ACP Trial Team

The trial is managed by a Joint Coordinating Center with key staff and Oregon Health & Science University (US) and Université Laval (Canada).

Below are the Joint Coordinating Center Investigators and Staff