The Protocol

This is where you can find detailed information about the Meta-LARC ACP Trial

Clinical Trial Registration

Our study is registered with This is a database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world. is a resource provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

The trial also has a record in HSRProj (Health Services Research in Progress) maintained by National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR)


Protocol Article

A special issue of the Journal of Palliative Medicine contains articles describing several advance care planning and palliative care projects funded by PCORI. The issue was released in September 2019.

Check back here and we will post the link and the prepublication manuscript as soon as they are available.


Research Plan

The Research Plan expands on the strategy included in our proposal. It represents our initial plans. As you might expect with a large complex trial, things change. And we are trying to be pragmatic so that what we do, how we do it, and what we find will be useful to as many primary care practices as possible.

Click on the image of the abstract to the right if you would like to see the full Research Plan. If you would like up-to-date information on any aspect of this project, please contact us.


Engagement Plan

PCORI required that we develop an Engagement Plan. This document describes our plans to assure the project fosters meaningful engagement with a range of stakeholders. Engagement is both challenging and extremely helpful. We initially focused on engaging patient and family advisors in the planning and conduct of our trial. Now we are also working to assure clinicians and other stakeholders are engaged. Our Engagement Plan is being updated as we gain experience and discover new opportunities to collaborate and assure the success of the trial. Clicking on the graphic to the right links to the original plan.


A Cluster-randomized Trial Comparing Team-based Versus Primary Care Clinician-led Advance Care Planning in the Meta-LARC Practice-based Research Networks ID: NCT03577002